Write with us.
Wander with us.
About Us
We believe that experiences in the wild are important for the body and the soul. The experiences and memories we have can act as a catalyst for the stories, poems, essays, paintings, music we write. The Wandering Writer is open to artists and writers of any form, anyone who wants to explore this wild world we inhabit.

We seek stories. We seek landscapes. We seek community. We seek truth.
We believe that we can nourish our writing selves, our creative selves, by wandering through the wild.

We believe that carving out time and space for creativity is important to find who we are as writers and artists.
— Name, Title

We are open to new places, new people, and new ideas. We believe that being open is the path toward inspiration.

Nature is us. We are nature. Paying attention to its ebbs and flows, its seasons and its beauty, is healing. So is having a relationship with the wild.

None of us can do it alone. And the more the merrier. Creators, activists, adventurous souls. All are welcome. Let’s create together.
Stephanie is a writer and editor who lives near Denver, Colorado. She holds an MFA degree in Creative Writing from Regis University.
Stephanie first fell in love with travel at 22, during a month-long trip through Europe. There, her world blew open, and she knew she wanted her life to always be pointed in the direction of the next adventure.
Stephanie is regularly saved by yoga and is searching for Truth. These are a few places she’s found it: the swaying of tree branches, the ocean, the laughter of her nieces and nephews, and her own heart, when she can be still enough to hear it. She loves hiking, hates small talk and wants to save the animals. Someday, she’ll learn how to tap dance. In the meantime, she keeps "scribbled secret notebooks" and knows everything is as it should be, even if she has a hard time remembering it.
Follow Stephanie on Twitter or contact her at vesselywriter@gmail.com.
Her writing portfolio can be found at www.stephanievesely.com

Favorite Books:
Bluets by Maggie Nelson, Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, The Year of Magical Thinking Joan Didion, Safekeeping by Abigial Thomas, The Book of Delights by Ross Gay, The Art of Pilgrimage by Phil Cousineau
Favorite Trails:
North Table Mountain in Golden Colorado, The Cliffs of Moher Coastal Walk, Green Mountain in Colorado
Bucket List:
Hike in/around Machu Picchu. Walk the Camino de Santiago. Walk across the south and west of Ireland, live in Paris for a while.
About Stephanie
For as long as she can remember, Kateri has been pulled to all things creative.
She grew up in Colorado, hiking through the Rockies, developing a thirst for nature and adventure.
It all started with her dad. He was a painter and graphic designer who taught her to draw when she was just a little girl. After he died, it made her want to follow in his footsteps even more. He's the reason that she learned to love art. ​He's also the reason she writes and tries to understand her relationship to the outdoors and the mountains to the west of where she lives.
Illustrating and designing professionally for six years, she eventually paired that with a love for writing four years ago. She earned an MFA from the Mile High MFA at Regis University and has had numerous essays published.
When she’s not chasing mountain tops or sketching lakeside, I drink entirely too much coffee, bake excessively, and climb rocks.

Follow Kateri on Instagram or contact her at krame185@gmail.com.
Her writing and illustration portfolio can be found at
Favorite Books:
Jazz by Toni Morrison, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Absalom, Absalom! By William Faulkner, Just Kids by Patti Smith
Favorite trails:
San Luis Peak in the San Juans of Colorado, the Wetternorn Valley in the San Juans of Colorado, Devil’s Garden in Arches National Park, Old Man of Storr in Isle of Skye, the trail to Fira to Oia in Santorini.
Bucket List:
Summit each highpoint in all 50 states, The Dolomites, Hike all of Pennine Way, Hike or bike part of the Wild Atlantic Way, The Camino de Santiago starting in the Pyrenees.